


A very special two day workshop facilitated by the members of the European group PLAYground.

The workshop is for advanced vocal improvisers who would like to work on building skills such as:
– Complete Vocal Technique (learn to ajust volumes in a healthy way and experience new sounds and possibilties with your voice)
– Harmonic and melodic training
– Jazz improvisation skills
– Rhythm and groove
– Language and storytelling

….among other topics, all applied to improvised performance.

Kees Kool – Holland
Malene Kjærgård – Denmark
Roberto Demo – Italy
Sofia Ribeiro – NYC/Portugal

Special guest teacher: Zuza Gonçalves – Brazil

Dates: February 6th and 7th
Time: 10 am – 1pm / 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
104 W 14th St, New York

Each day will start and end with a circle
We wil explore different music styles and topics
Then we will work 2 hours with each subject mentioned above

This workshop will provide concrete tools to build your music vocabulary and broaden creative expression in your vocal improvisation.

Price: 250 USD (including both days)
Option of one day for $150
SIGNUP AND PAYMENT: through paypal to

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PLAYground è un gruppo vocale che mette in scena concerti completamente improvvisati !

Il gruppo si esibisce proponendo un repertorio fatto di grande giocosità vocale e ascolto reciproco, rimanendo costantemente ancorati al momento presente.

Il progetto nasce dall’esperienza comune di All The Way In 2014, corso di improvvisazione corale a cappella tenuto da Rhiannon, corista storica di Bobby McFerrin.

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 Improvised concert Oosterbeek (NL) –  3 May 2015

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Improvised concert Oosterbeek (NL) –  28 November 2015

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