Roberto Demo NWSL LOGO
Vocal newsletter - N.24 - March 2023 - - - - - - - - - - - Ciao reader,

I love Paris

Saturday 4th March

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N’hésitez pas à faire passer l’info…
A bientôt pour vivre la joie de la voix !
Stage en anglais, français, italien… !

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Vicki Rummler

March 18-19 - Bruxelles

What does the music need?

two-days vocal improvisation workshop with Baptiste Vaes and Roberto Demo
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What do you need for a good improvisation? Among the major ingredients, we can mention the mastery of rhythm and intonation, in other words: a good sound and groove! These will be the main points of attention of the weekend that Roberto and Baptiste will lead together, according to the music and the group needs. First, to get the most out of your voice as a soloist, Roberto will take you on a journey through different registers, different pitches and textures as a preparation and then accompany your vocal explorations with technical advice, creative leads and energy!
Then, to get you to feel the groove and learn how to stimulate it, Baptiste will work on the rhythm and harmony within the choir, the relaxation and the anchoring that allow the groove to manifest and will help you to guide the circle in integrating these different qualities. On Sundays, you will be encouraged to practice the roles of leader and soloist by creating with our support short pieces ranging from solo to tutti, always listening and building from what the music asks for. The course will be given in English and French and translated according to the needs of the group. It is not necessary to be an experienced singer to benefit from the teaching, but to cultivate curiosity, a spirit of play and commitment.
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Saturday 18 h.20 improvised concert with 6 singers... and the audience

Solo, duo e ... tutti quanti!

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How a song is born

The great gig in the sky

The song is part of the legendary album "The dark side of the moon" by Pink Floyd and is the natural continuation of the one that precedes it in the album, "Time": the protagonist of the text realizes that he has wasted too much time in his life and inevitably he is afraid of dying, as it often happens, without having the time to carry out all the projects he has in mind. Born as an instrumental piece by Richard Wright, however, when the album was almost complete, on 21 January 1973, Alan Parson, authoritative sound engineer, believing that the piece was missing something, proposed to call a singer and, despite the opposition of the author, it was decided to try: Madeleine Bell and Doris Troy were called but were not available; so, an EMI singer, Clare Torry, a 25-year-old girl who had already worked with Parson, was contacted.
The singer then showed up the following Sunday at Abbey Road Studios, where she was initially made to listen to the already recorded track and then David Gilmour told her: "There are no words. It's about death. Don't sing anything prepared. Improvise, your voice must be a musical instrument. It has to sound like a guitar solo"...

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Pink Floyd

This is what happened testing my equipment for The way I LOOP tonight on 20/09/21
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Tipeee ;-))

Thank you tippers!
Chiara Ferreri, Rosi Amador, Paola Robotti

Let's keep in contact

Canale Telegram - Singfulness
Canale Telegram - DemoVoxLabENG (English version)
Schermata 2021-03-03 alle 17.29.29

Instagram - roberto_demo
Instagram - Singfulness_italia
Schermata 2021-03-17 alle 23.34.08
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In these short articles there are all the my passion and love for my work. Research, in-depth analysis and hours of work to fix the graphics to try to offer you something pleasant and useful.

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A little sharing is a significant recognition of my work. It helps me so much and makes me understand that this type of promotion is possible.
Thanks for reading ...
And please send me your singing news as well !!
Hoping to meet you again live or online very soon, I send you warm greetings.


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Roberto Demo - studio: via G.Boccaccio 31, Torino - Italy
+39/328/2311080 -
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